14 December 2007

5 things I love right now

About to go out after yet another waste of space day. Good thing it's just dinner and drinks with Kate, because I'm developing that lovely sea lion-like chest cough. But before I hop in the shower, I have to make a quick post about five things I'm adoring this week. In no particular order....

* This incredible chandelier that my new friend Catherine (whose amazing art I will blog about shortly) has in her apartment.

* Zooey Deschanel, in many different forms. The anticipation of her new CD with M. Ward, her performance in the holiday classic Elf, her cabaret group (with Samantha Shelton) "If All The Stars Were Pretty Babies," and her quirky look and humor. She's an emblem of old-school glamour, indie culture, and being true to oneself. Way to go, Zooey!

* This New York Times article about a woman's devotion to her stately Victorian home and its preservation. The house is featured in this month's Atonement.

* This red shoe print by photobird on etsy. The red shoe obsession continues...

* Kir royales. Oh bubbly, how I love thee! Especially when combined with cassis...

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