07 July 2009

Today my secrets are...

* I am frightened, but I don't know what of or why *

* Last night I dreamed you were kissing my eyelids, so I slept through my alarm *

* I know you don't deserve me.  But I want you anyway *

* I no longer know who I am as a teacher *

* When faced with a problem, it's easier for me to do nothing than take action *

* I didn't sleep on Saturday night...because I was thinking *

* I want to have hope, but hope is just as terrifying to me as hopelessness *

* I see beauty in objects, but often fail to see it in people *

* I have made the entire state of New York off limits because watching you live your life is too painful *

I want to hold the hand inside you
I want to take a breath that's true
I look to you and I see nothing
I look to you to see the truth
You live your life, you go in shadows
You'll come apart and you'll go black
Some kind of night into your darkness
Colors your eyes with what's not there
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew
A stranger's light comes on slowly
A stranger's heart without a home
You put your hands into your head
And then smiles cover your heart
Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew

1 comment:

Rhianne said...

Such lovely words and pictures. Thank you for having me on your blogroll! Yeay!